Once signed, it is given to the timekeeper for entry into PeopleSoft.

A paper timesheet is completed and submitted to the approver for signature. The approver will not need to approve the hire, but rather the time worked. Q1: How is a casual employee hire approved?Ī: A new casual employee must be hired through the HR PeopleSoft system. Q7: If the salary of a position is charged to multiple accounts, is the employer cost of the benefits split in the same manner?Ī: Yes, if the employee's salary is charged to multiple accounts, the employer cost of the benefit will be split in the same manner. Payments for non-employees will be processed through the Finance department on a Cheque Requisition. Q6: How will honorariums be paid through PeopleSoft HR?Ī: When an honorarium is to be paid to an employee, the department will complete a HR_FRM-048 Additional/One-time Payment Request Form and send it to Human Resources for processing. If no values come up you should be able to go to the other tab on that page (add a new value) and add the combo code. You then search using your chartfield parameters and the SetID of SHARE. Q5: How do I look up and/or add a combo code?Ī: Here is the navigation for Combo Codes: In HR PeopleSoft>Workforce Administration>Job Information>Valid Combo Table.
A new combo code is required for each unique combination of chart fields. Q4: What is a combination code (combo code)?Ī: A combo-code is a system generated unique numeric identifier that represents a chart field string in the HR PeopleSoft. How do I request HR PeopleSoft Access?Ī: Submit a completed HRMS Security Access Request Form to Human Resources.

I have a new employee starting in my department. Q2: What is the pay frequency in HR PeopleSoft for casual employees if they were paid monthly in the legacy HR system?Ī: All casual employees will be paid bi-weekly in HR PeopleSoft regardless of their pay frequency in the legacy HR system. volunteer, guest, co-op student) who needs university system access?Ī: Submit your request to Information Services and they will add the person to HR PeopleSoft.
Lastly, you will want to make sure that the user that is handling the process scheduler in question has the Role: ProcessSchedulerAdmin, and that the default Local Node has been configured to have a password associated with it (Home>PeopleTools>Integration Broker>Nodes).Q1: How do I add a non-employee that is a Contingent Worker (i.e. URI Resource is the class that handles the transfers, it should be:īe very careful of case here. URI Port will be the port of the webserver, typically the regular access port, but if you are using a balancer and it is redirecting the port may need to setup with the internal port number. The URI host is usually set to the web server name, however, if you are using a load balancer you might wish to use one web server to handle the traffic or configure it to go to an internal site that can handle the balancing. The URL will be the same as it always is, this variable is primarily used for the link in process monitor to view the reports/logs. Home > PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Report Nodes When configuring the Report Repository using the Scheduler Transfer tool you will want to configure the node using the http/https settings: